
Showing posts from July, 2018

Patterns of Evidence IV - The Chapel Murders

In April 1994 the Irish Times carried a letter from a Belfast Catholic. It read: In 1979, I went to Drogheda with my wife and two daughters to see the Holy Father. There we heard him say: 'Murder is murder and never let it be called by any other name.' We took comfort from his words. The great and the good of church, politics and the law murmured their approval. In this some were hypocritical because, as future events were to show, they must, when they heard the Holy Father's words, have had mental reservations. These people, suffering from an obsession with the 'constitutional imperative of reintegration of the national territory', must in reality have believed that murder could be called by another name. Ten years ago, on 8 April 1984, my dear darling daughter, Mary, was murdered as she walked home from Mass with her mum and me. Mary's murder was carried out by members of an evil and brutal criminal organisation. Some of her killers were memb